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Family & Friends Grandparent's Brag Book Special Events Holidays Wildlife & Scenery howieandmyra index

Lydia Grace Miller


   Lydia Grace Miller

    Born:  4:30 am

                January 21, 2012

    21 inches

    8 lbs, 8 oz


    Parents: Paul & Laura Miller

Ady & Otis

Born: 2:51am, November 19, 2011

6 lbs 5.8oz - 19-1/2"

Deidra Lilliana Miller


Tim (Otis) & Ady Miller

Great Uncle Jim


Grandma & Evie

Luke & Paul





Luke Joseph Miller

7:53 pm

May 20, 2010


20"  tall

7 lbs -14oz


Parents: Laura & Paul Miller






L-R: Mr. Snowman, Raymie, Evie, Ben


Raymie & Evie helping grandma make a quilt for their future cousin

Evie in pig tails

Evie loves puppy

New place for adventure

I can always find something to eat at Grandma's

I don't have to share with Sherman

Grandpa's lap is the best

Hello everyone

We'll stand together but we don't have to talk

Raymie & Evie

Fun with Grandpa

Best of Friends








Raymie on the bouncy bridge

Evie lovers her big brother

Fun at the park


Ben & Evie


Grandma's got Raymie

Ben & Family

L-R: Ben, Mr. Snowman, Raymie

having fun with grandma

I can make anything into a toy


My first pony tail

Evelyn Rose Miller


Pathways Church

September 21, 2008


Life is fun

Tigger is here to play

I'm a happy little girl

So this is how you make a quilt

Grandma always has time to play

We can play with the quilt even before it is done.

Grandma finished my quilt

Uncle Jim and Evie

Everybody wants to be in the picture with Uncle Jim

Evie on a cool day at the Park

Raymie's 3 year old pre-school graduation

Great a diploma, what do I do with it?

Mom & Evie taking a nap

Lunch time with grandma

grandpa & Evie

Evelyn Rose Miller

Born: May 8, 2008

8:01 am

18" Long

6 lbs

Parents: Ben & Leanna Miller




Sledding with Daddy

down the hill

On a hot day there is nothing like a bottle of water.

Grandpa's Root Beer floats are great, even if I am too tired to hold the glass.

up the hill


I helped grandma bake cookies

Watching cookies bake is a lot like watching paint dry,

except cookies are more fun when they are done.

The playground at Pierce Park


Raymie's Third Birthday Party

with Thomas the Tank Engine

Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles

Aunt Paula made this great cake for me

Thanks for all the gifts

3 year old craft time

More fun more crafts

Now grandpa and I have the same hat


I like to play in the snow

Uncle Tim likes to play in the snow with me

I have a new train

So this is Lambeau Field

So many pumpkins to choose from.


This is the one I want.

Raymie's Second Birthday Party

Welcome to my birthday party

Aunt Paula made this great cake for me

I had a great meal with my friends

Mommy helped me open gifts

Grandma Zoglman help me blow out the candles

We all enjoyed the cake



Thanks to all of my wonderful friends for coming to my birthday party.

My sleep number is 55, just like

grandpa and Rush Limbaugh

Grandpa knows how to play with toys.

Thanks for the duckie robe grandma

Grandpa is taking pictures again

Off we go in my new FLYER

I watched the Badgers win the Capitol One Bowl

The boxes are more fun than the toys

WOW! All those Christmas Ornaments. Where do I start?

Raymie is in his second Appleton East Homecoming Parade

Grandma you can do anything to me, as long as mommy feeds me graham crackers

There is something going on here but I'm not sure what it is.

Are we done yet?

My Grandma Janis Zoglman

showed me how to wave the flag.

Aunt Laura and I shared a popsicle at

the fireworks.

I'll be a gardener, if I can play in the dirt

Raymie's First Birthday Party

Dad! don't steal my cake.

Aunt Paula made this great cake for me

Lots of presents

Lots of friends

My first cake tastes great!

Lots more friends

Uncle Timmy likes my presents too

My very own Batman Chair

Grandma & Grandpa

The grass feels funny

I shared my presents with my guests

Bye, thanks for coming

I like flowers on my head

My Daddy and Me

Do you think I could be any Happier?

AH! You kissed me Grandma.

Playtime at Grandpa & Grandma's House


wearing silly hats

Appleton East Homecoming Parade. Leanna (Pom Squad Coach) Ben (juggling father) and Raymie (along for ride)

preparing for his first parade. (10-8-04)


Dedication Service: Integrity Christian Center 9-12-04

Uncle Paul and Uncle Timmy

My first time out of Wisconsin 9-5-04


   Molly Pelley

Darren Burrell

Dave Gregg

Game Day with Grandpa

  Uncle Timmy

Raymie meets Bucky Badger (8/15/04)

I'm trying to sleep on Mommy and Daddy's bed and all you want to do is take pictures. I am not happy!

This is my Great Uncle Jim


Pierce Park Car Show 7/18/04

Father and Son

Raymie visiting at Grandma's house

Leanna & Raymie

Raymie, Myra, & Howard

Raymie & Ben

Myra & Raymie

Raymond Howard Miller

Paula, and Edward Raymond Zoglman with Raymie

Parents: Ben & Leanna Miller
Born: 5:31 am - June 5, 2004
6 lbs. - 7 oz. 18 1/2 inches
St. Elisabeth Hospital, Appleton, WI
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Family & Friends Grandparent's Brag Book Special Events Holidays Wildlife & Scenery howieandmyra index